May 8, 2010

Birds (literally) flying into my life!

I often speak to my students about the law of attraction....and manifestation....what are you attracting into your life? What vibration frequency are you emitting to attract people and situations into your life?
Well, here's a new one: I attracted a budgie into my life...well, not exactly. My mum attracted a budgie into my life....which leads me to say "Be careful of what your mother wishes, because if she doesn't go out to claim it herself, it may just fly to you!"
I was in an ice-cream shop in Milano on an innocent Friday afternoon when a budgie suddenly flew into the shop and amongst the kids and the chaos allowed me to pick him up. What to do, what not to do....children telling me I should call him Filippo....I end up bringing him home thinking how I'd break the news of the new entry into our house. What she says is: "It's a few days I've been thinking about getting a budgie."
She obviously had no intention of actually going to buy one, so this little guy had to leave his previous owners, risk his life in Milano traffic and fly directly to me.
After 3 weeks of looking at him and desperately trying to train him to sit on my finger for more than 5 seconds, I decided to get him a friend - so there are now two budgies sharing our home: Aku and Sakhi.

The day I get them to do something special I may even post a video, but in the mean-time....

...just think if she'd wished for an albatros!

Tooth Scrub

Usual tooth karma creeping up on always on the look-out for more natural ways of looking after my teeth.

So here's a very simple scrub you can use for your teeth which will help keep them clean and invigorate the gums. All you need is white clay (powdered form: argilla), and tea-tree oil. After you've brushed your teeth (and why not, flossed as well) just take a table-spoon of clay in your hand and 3 drops of tea-tree oil (check it's a good quality oil that can be used internally, not the cheap stuff you buy for burning in oil burners!) and just mix the two together in the palm of your hand.

Then, using your finger, rub your teeth and gums with it...mmmm....doesn't it look looooovely! You'll find that you will start salivating profusely (slight exhageration), so just use this super-natural mix of stuff to swoosh it around in your mouth a bit before spitting it out.

You can use this scrub every day: it's a natural antisceptic and after the initial investment in the ingredients, it's cheap and long-lasting.