September 11, 2009

...I'm back!....

It's been a long summer of silence....a summer that has extended into a very warm and sunny September.
There have been some sad goodbyes this summer: the Stevia plants, which were growing at an amazing speed, didn't survive the summer heat (or was it maybe my absence?), and have returned to Stevia heaven. My gorgeous chilli plant, which had given its first fruit at the beginning of the summer, is now no more than a long-lost memory.
My two basil plants, amorously sharing a single vase, are alive and well...but no longer with me! They are three floors up, at a lady's house - she kindly agreed to look after some of the herbs while I was away, and has now indirectly made us understand that we won't be getting them back.
On a more positive note, we do have some new additions: loads of origano, a gorgeously chirpy mint plant, another positively sturdy rosemary, and Jasmine (without "the" in front, as it's her name) being quite the show-off and stretching her bright green branches to distant corners of the terrace. Definitely the princess of the castle.

Other summer news is that I've become very good at badly playing the guitar, and that I'm joining belly dancing classes, which I would suggest to all (women), young and not-so-young. If you need to strengthen your back and increase mobility in your hips, then I'd say belly dancing is perfect....with Yoga of course ;)

I'll be back on soon with some new recipes! In the mean time, keep smiling!