June 4, 2009

Nutty-Choco "Ice-Cream"

I'll blame the summer mood for this excessive production of cold desserts - I don't know if anyone's been experimenting with the frozen banana-base, but I certainly have! And here's today's result. Scrumcious! Quite moossey as well.
- 2 frozen bananas
- handful of almonds
- handful of walnuts
- handful of hazelnuts
- 3 pitted dates
- Agave syrup
- bitter cocoa powder
- for extra naughtiness: dark chocolate (without milk powder to maintain the dessert vegan)
- a liquid base: can be grape juice if you want to keep it gluten-free, or rice/almond/soya milk.
The procedure is always the same: peel the bananas and place them in plastic wrap in the freezer for about three hours or until frozen. In the mean time, soak the nuts in the juice or milk for the same amount of time.
Once the bananas are frozen, cut them up and place them in a food processor with the rest of the ingredients. I didn't really measure: I guess a couple of tablespoons of cocoa powder, plus a little more for good luck. Agave syrup....mmm....I just put it in. You don't need much: the bananas and dates are already sweet, but a little syrup is good to contrast the bitter cocoa powder. Add the rest of the ingredients and start woozzing...oh! Also MUST add (before woozzing) about half a cup of juice/"milk" - this is always to save your blender, and to give the ice-cream a smooth consistency.
Don't forget the extra touch! Dark chocolate: cut it up a bit before hand and then give it a last woozz once the whole thing has already reached a smooth consistency.
I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with the result! Might be nice to sprinkle some coconut flakes on top at the end...or not. May as well be 100% decadent while you're at it!


Jeenal Mehta said...

oh wow yummyyyyyyyy...i wanna eat it too!!

Unknown said...

when summer comes along i'll try this one, but at the moment it is nearly snowing (so glad mummy has gone home to the warmth, she'd hate this weekend)