November 17, 2009

Apple and Chestnut Cake

Since I had a lot of studying to do, I thought I'd bake a cake instead. Following past baking disasters, I think I've almost reached a state of bakery the great philosophers say, "You bake, you learn". This is a wonderful autumn recipe (I'm only saying this because it's autumn now....but I'm sure I'll bake it in the other seasons as well).
- 100g wholemeal spelt flour
- 100g Maizena (maize/corn starch)
- 50g Chestnut flour
- 100g brown sugar
- a teaspoon of Cremor Tartar (or yeast equilivalent)
- 100g raisins
- 50g chopped walnuts
- 1 apple, peeled and cut into small pieces
- cinnamon and nutmeg (to your heart's desire)
- 3 tablespoons of maize/corn oil (or olive oil)
- roughly 230 ml water
Preheat oven to 180C. Mix together all the dry ingredients, and then add the oil and water. Mix....the mixture should be runny enough to just be poured into the baking tray. Remember to grease the baking tray before-hand.
Bake for 50min-1hour without opening the oven, then check with a knife if the inside is cooked. Cooking times always vary, depending on the oven, how big your baking tray is...follow your instinct, listen to the voice inside your head. It's the baking angel talking.
If it is cooked, turn the oven off, leave the cake to rest for 10 minutes, and then pull it out to cool on a baking tray (take it out of the tray or it will "sweat" all the steam out and remain soggy on the bottom!).
Once cooled, have a taste, and if it's friends-worthy have a tea party!

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